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Nordic Batteries Joins the European Battery Alliance

As a leading provider of energy storage solutions, Nordic Batteries is committed to driving innovation and sustainability in the battery industry. In line with this mission, we are pleased to announce our partnership with the European Battery Alliance (EBA250).

EBA250 is the industrial development programme of the European Battery Alliance launched in October 2017. Led by EIT InnoEnergy, EBA250 is a unique platform for key stakeholders throughout the entire battery value chain – from mining to recycling - with the common objective to build a strong and competitive European battery industry. EBA250 is a project-driven community which brings together the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and now more than 800 industrial, innovation, academia and financial stakeholders.

As a member of the EBA250 network, Nordic Batteries will have access to regulatory insights, market intelligence, business development opportunities, and de-risking opportunities. We will be able to align with the European Strategic Action Plan for Batteries, gain unique insight into ongoing activities in the battery sector, and receive updates on upcoming legislation.

This partnership represents an exciting opportunity for Nordic Batteries to contribute to the growth and development of a strong and competitive European battery industry. By collaborating with key stakeholders throughout the entire battery value chain, we can help Europe capture a growing market worth 250B€/year from 2025.

We are thrilled to be part of the EBA250 network and look forward to collaborating with our fellow members to drive the growth and development of the European battery industry.

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