2024 02 20 13 56 48

At Karrieredagen USN Kongsberg, Nordic Batteries had the pleasure of connecting with the enthusiastic students of Kongsberg. Nordic Batteries was there to showcase our mission: to strengthen Norway's battery value chain by bridging the gap from battery cells to applications. We also had some interesting conversations with students after the presentation 🔋

CEO Jarle Gjøsæther commented about the event:
"We are actively seeking Industry Master students specializing in Systems Engineering for battery system design, as well as IT students driven to help lay the digital structure for our future Industry 4.0 production plant.

This was a great opportunity to showcase what we do, and the opportunities Nordic Batteries has to offer to students interested in building the Norwegian battery industry".

For more information about Karrieredagen, visit https://www.kongsbergstudent.n...

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